Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dissent, It's the American Way.

Dissent is a vital part of America. While sometimes dissention may feel like the gaseous-bloating you get after eating half a cow at the local fast food joint, you have to keep in mind the euphoric clarity that occurs after a release of such an angst-filled build up. That sort of self-preservation is a viable reason for spouting out your differing opinions to the disinterested masses. At the same time however, providing that voice of opposition creates a much more diverse conversation that benefits everyone. Like slipping ecstasy into the punch at your twenty-five year class reunion, not everyone would say it’s the best move, but the collective experience will be that much richer for it.

With the holiday season upon us we are quickly reminded what it’s like sharing a meal with outspoken people whose political ideologies are so wildly different you can’t help but put yourself in a full-on turkey coma if only for a few moments of escape. You might manage to pacify your deranged, anarchist, uncle with copious amounts of stuffing and gravy, but failing a timely cardiac arrest or perhaps spontaneous combustion, you will hear all the crazed talking points he picked up from Andrew Breitbart. But isn’t that what it’s about? Celebrating our differences by civilized, logical discussion. That is not to say that we should give credence to every boisterous know-it-all that crosses our path. Having slightly better discretion than Nicholas Cage for example would be a start.

Now you as a reader of this blog know this. You are an intelligent individual who is a vital part of this machine we attempt to call a democracy. Better yet, a vital organ. Every organ has a function, a purpose. Except for the appendix. Yeah, I’m talking to you appendix. You’re utterly useless. You just sit there until one day you blow up and threaten to kill the rest of us. I don’t like you appendix.

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